
Boy Scouts of America

Boy scouts have a very long history. It was an organization that formed in 1910. The goal of the Boy Scouts is to prepare young men on how to make ethical and moral choices throughout their lifetime by teaching them early to live by the values set forth in the Scout Oath and Law.

What Is the Oath and Law of Boy Scouts?

scouts oathThe Scout Oath basically says that the scout will do their duty to God and Country. They will try to help others at all times and keep themselves strong, alert, and morally straight.

The Scout Law is a bit more complex. It is things that a Scout tries to do each day. To achieve their goals they must do as much as they can each day to be:

  • Loyal
  • Trustworthy
  • Friendly
  • Kind
  • Cheerful
  • Brave
  • Helpful
  • Thrifty
  • Obedient
  • Courteous
  • Clean
  • And Reverent toward God.

Most people agree that following the Scout Law is not always easy. No one wants to be brave and face all things, happy when they are sad, and more, but the scouts are urged to try. This is done mostly by putting them into situations where they can show that they will stay strong.

The Scouting Life

scouts and country

A lot of what makes scouting work is the opportunities that boys, and girls, are given to explore the world. It may be camping trips, wilderness survival courses, and more. However, this does not sum it all up.

Scouts are encouraged to be a part of the team. Work together to meet goals and challenges. They are then encouraged to help others who may not be a part of their group. For instance, helping an elderly lady with her chores without asking for anything in return.

Boy scouts and their troops are also encouraged to take part in other programs to help them as they grow.

How to Join

Joining boy scouts or cub scouts and similar programs is easy to do. In most areas, you will find organizations that can help you get started. It is a program that kids can be a part of from elementary school and throughout high school. If you stay active throughout the years, you can even become a leader as an adult. Of course, as an adult you are also encouraged to bring your own children so that they can learn as you have about the Boy Scouting Life.

What Is Expected of Members?

As a cub scout, one of the most important things you will need to do is participate, live by the code, and have fun. You can do this by making friends and exploring the world, while always being the best that you can be.

If you want to know more about it, you should contact your local scouting organizations.

Getting To The Thunderbird District

thunderbirdThe Thunderbird District may be known as place where boy scouts go to learn, but did you know that it is an actual place? There is places in Florida that are known for being the Thunderbird District. This means that getting there may be easier than you expect it to be.

Thunderbird District Location

Although it will not show up on Google maps, there are a few different districts that may hold this title. All total, there are 17 districts with the name.

In Florida, you will find this district in the Greater Tampa Bay Area. It includes Bartow, Lakeland, Fort Meade, and Mulberry. In Georgia, it consists of Seminole, Decatur, and more. Other states are likely to also have them. All are tied somehow to scouting groups and encouraging young boys to become better adult men.

How to Get There?

camping nature badgesWe promise that in order to get there, you will not have to storm Thunder Road as they did in the movie Grease or as country singer Robert Mitchum talked about in his song, dedicated to the movie by the same title. All you have to do is take part in scouting to work your way up to a Thunderbird troop title.

What you will have to do is visit areas that are somewhat off-the-grid. This will give you access to the district as the boy scouts originally intended for it to be. Rural areas where boys and families can enjoy nature and freedom. Where hunting, camping, fishing, and more, can be enjoyed to the fullest. Beyond that, it is a place where making camp, caring for nature, and learning can take place.

What Will You Find?

wilderness survivalIn rural America, anything is possible. Your scout can learn to make fire using twigs, they can improvise a tent and learn about local plants. Which plants are edible and which may make you itch like mad. There are several outstanding scout skills that can be learned by being in the most rural areas. However there is power provided by west county electric so you’ll be able to charge your electronics while remaining remote.

Earning the knowledge may help them get badges, but it also allows them to achieve the scout daily laws. By being out in the woods, scouts can prove that they are:

  • Loyal
  • Trustworthy
  • Brave
  • Helpful
  • Obedient
  • Clean
  • And Show Appreciation for God and Land

In short, if their goal is to gain more ranks and reach higher goals, visiting a Thunderbird District may help them to do so. No “Thunderbird” near you? Don’t sweat it. The important part is only that you get out there into the world to see what you can find and discover about yourself and your world.